Add my snap: falonlrlt
ready for your cum - snp:aubreetra
ready for sexting and me on snap: falonlrlt
Hot take: The hate TGB gets is forced; he is a great option for his teams in this meta and a solid unit overall. Come and fight me.
Ranking every Vegeta clan buffs in 2024(This is based on the units in the tag not all the units in the game)
Best win screen this Year! I'll start first
Now That All The LL Units For This Year Have Dropped.What Was Your Favorite LL This Year?
Drop a team from your presets that you don’t think anybody else would have .
Finally I can make a full ultra team
Why isn't this nappa popular It's pretty good in my time of using it but no one else talks about it or use it these days
Finally completed this set
I am tired of losing using my normal Vegeta clan team pls help me build one from scratch.(Here are my units)
Chat summary actually summaries the festival as a whole