A manga? One day I saw the manga, now I saw the video game… now I’m confused 😅 which came first?
My Omori Fan Art
Magik and Luna Snow
I guess ballpoint pens are kinda my thing…
Magik’s Christmas skin is so awful and cluttered
Who can I learn from to get this style of art?
my art
Arcane jinx fan art by me
Please give pointers
[OC] - Shy Fana Hanako
[Product Question] Is Volufiline safe for a teenager?
Recommend me your hidden gems 💎
How does everyone put on dot skates for the most amount of glide?
New skin preview
Please recommend me anime using my top 10
How do you guys find people to duo?
I don’t like Fiora
not to be that person but i think my cat is the cutest cat alive (fight me with pictures of your own cat)
What DPI/Sens Do You Play At?
This Act is HARD
What's your current main mouse?
Guess My Rank (Duelist Main)