We need this... the petty photograph queen
“Sorry I don’t have enough change for a 100.”
Please for the love of GOD stop assuming we speak another language!
Don't you just love working in retail
Get. Off. Your. Phone!
Woman cheats on her husband and dozens of people die in the fallout.
Weird interaction
WIBTA If I told a coworker I hate the nickname he gave me?
Someone got handed a menu at chickfila
I’m an idiot magnet apparently
I’m scared af right now
Oh no, you’re going to get me fired!!
You can only add 4 things to this plain bowl of rice what are they
Rejected ideas for the next barbie doll
If “Instagram moms” have jobs outside of social media
Sure! Just let me know what you want rewritten, and I'll help you out
Tell you what this song is about? Ok, but you’re gonna have to sit down for this
How did you get banned from the school talent show?
I was told I should post here. Apparently I just "look like I'm at work" no matter where I am or what I wear.
Things you say to your server that will definitely make them want tamper with your food
What not to say when your boss introduces you to their spouse at the company Christmas party.
Worst thing to say your thankful for at the family thanksgiving table
"It's not called that why did you call it that"
"You should smile more!" I would be if you didn't yell profanity and degrade me just a minute ago.
Act out a scene where a new couple comes up with a name for their child that nobody else will steal.