30,000 Retro Games on my RP5 but gotta play GameCube on the GC colorway 🎮✨
First apartment setup!
First setup living on my own - feedback appreciated!
Inflammation caused my iris to dilate in the shape of a butterfly
Terrible review
ESO x Warhammer Fantasy: Skaven Assassin
Lyrics from Blood Incantation’s new song “The Message”
The most annoying thing about every WoA Map Part 1
Did anyone else hate fighting this guy or was it just me
The Ego, Empathy, & Love
What is the fastest way to manifest something?
Channeled vs Intrusive Thoughts
Beautiful evening for some slay’n
My undaunted outfit for this year.
My RuneScape inspired walking game, WalkScape, is now letting new players to the Closed Beta!
Session openers other than "how are you?" "how's it going?" etc.
New Look for my Breton Sorcerer
Templar Hybrid Build
First Apex, had to make me a Golden Knight.
Fashion Builds
Soulslikes Ruined Other Games For Me
What’s your favorite pop punk album album?
PSA: Pyrodraconic Camel-Lizard mount currently free for ESO+ members!