Getting off overtime to come home to this
Letter I wrote to my mother in pre-k/kindergarten
Chicken on toast on… not a plate
Megan is REALLY the REALEST, and this video is one of the REASONS:
Roommate refused to pay full rent because he said everything he left is worth the same amount of $. This is what he left.
It just keeps coming
Wife was excited when she saw the tee
All this sympathy is just a knife 💔
exactly. this. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
What is some of y’all’s favorite Tina Snow songs?
My date bit multiple candies and put them back in the shared cup. I asked why, no straight answer…
The personal question creeped me out, then I saw the… paddle?
Challenged myself to some home baking…
Update before I block: sad loser says I’m not important😂
Saucy Santana shares his love for "Bigger In Texas"
Took a bite of this cookie and realized the art on it it’s actually paper. I can’t peel it off.
Why have I never seen this before 🤣 our girl is hilarious!
I had 1 bad date, so they say I’m the reason abusers are like this😂
My room mate left the window open last night and a soda by it was frozen this morning
A main road collapsed in my town a couple of weeks before Christmas. The Hole has since become a tourist attraction complete with reviews.
Took the wrong oath!
Nacho craving + home ingredients
Vice President Kamala Harris Selects Photo That Shows Trump Blocked Out By Column
Some artists that I'd love to hear Megan Thee Stallion to collab with (both mainstream and not mainstream)