Ich (w21) bin Iranerin und habe in 10 Monaten das Niveau C1 auf Deutsch erreicht. Zurzeit bin ich als Deutschlehrerin tätig. AMA.
Ich werde bald erwachsen und kann bald einfach nicht mehr
35(M) Gimme a rate?
This iranian lash technician's clients
Another iranian lash tech. This one might even be worse.
This photo is from a brow designer page.
Am I autistic or just an only child?
Mom's a highschool math teacher, and this is how she prepares exercises for her students.
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Offering: Persian (also fluent in English) - Seeking German
U.S. wants to oust Iran from U.N. women's body
Iranian athlete competes without Hijab during Climbing Asian Championship finals in South Korea
Iran protests: Nika Shakarami's mother says her daughter was murdered
Iran denies security forces killed 16-year-old, says she fell off roof-Iranian media
Iran: At least 82 Baluchi protesters and bystanders killed in bloody crackdown
Iranian Regime murdered two teenage girls aged 16 and 17 who were peacefully protesting the obligatory hijab and the murder of Mahsa Amini for not wearing her hijab correctly
If you don’t hear from us later, know that they have shut down our Internet to silence us! Help us say her name #MahsaAmini #مهسا_اميني #OpIran #IranProtests2020 #Iran
‘For freedom’: French actors cut their hair in support of Iranian women | France
Iran schoolgirls heckle paramilitary speaker - BBC News
Curious about the demographics in this community