The last thing you see before getting cheesed to oblivion by me tonight.
Vanishing assault exploit
Best Rush super animation. Fight me.
Can I introduce you to Gohan, Gohan, Gohan, Gohan?
Gohan (SH) Has Biggest DP Jump Going From 4DP to 9DP !
is the game getting shadow updated or i am delusional ?
I hate playing like this but every match in rank is gogeta or ui goku so ig my bad iq resorted to spam.
Another missed opportunity
Safe to asume can do this to all Giants? Dragon Fist 2.0?
Looks Like They Gave My Favorite Character All Of His Transformations In One. I'm about to be a menace😭😂🔥
Beast is coming... DLC 1 trailer.
Could I of done anything?
I can’t stand people who play like this
When in doubt, prevent SSJB Gogeta from activating sparking mode
Characters with 4 Health Bars
Just a general question how do I save up my skill points easier
How do you deal with goku ultra instinct and gogeta ssj4 players? I want you to share with me every trick and approach you use
Stop running your sweat teams on casuals
Our whole community
Perception Spam
Normal Z Rank Fusion Player Activities
Where is everyone at in their ranked journey?(DP)
So why can't Videl step vanish??
Let the hate continue