Should I be looking for a new board?
What to do in 12 hour layover
I need new poles, are there cheaper options?
So glad we don’t need poles…
Skiers, we need to talk. Seen at coffee bar Noname, Laax
Seen at coffee bar Noname, Laax
Mis Gwüssä weni bi därä solarbetriebenen Tankstell Benzin tank: 😇
Your best DJ advice
Rav situation
Isch widermal nöd rächt gsi
If Nas and Jay-Z were in a group what would the name be?
Mitem Velo go schaffe im Härbschd und Winter?
'Bitte keine Werbung' doesn't work.
Mäint dä das ernst? (gseh am Teffpunkt HB)
Kolleg, ich glaub du machsches irgendwiä falsch (gseh am Treffpunkt HB):
Is there a reason why some expats don't want to learn the local language?
abER eR iscH S'opfer I Dere gsCHIChT
Gleis 1