If Clones liked to punch Droids so much why didn’t they just give them knives
Is it rude not to reply to text messages?
No Man's Sky: Worlds Part 2 - Official Trailer
We need to do better lads!
Looks like we’re getting gas giants!!
Mcdonalds could be coming to Carrigaline
Open thread of an evening
I am being asked to come to work tomorrow(cafe/restaurants)
Why can't we complete older season passes?
Thats a lot of red.💀 Place your bets...Overkill or Underkill?
Cillian Murphy is everything Conor McGregor isn't when it comes to fame in Ireland
Popping feeling
Dude flips his car in road rage
If the Wishgranter/Monolith actually granted your wish. What would you wish for?
Starting Death Stranding Directors Cut tonight: I’d love some tips!
People who leave their cars idling when waiting minutes outside somewhere. Why?
Were you close with your aunts/uncles?
Heard a lot times that when a person becomes severely disabled everyone just forgets about them. Friends, partners, kids visit at first and just stop visiting all together. How much truth there is to it?
Thoughts on new opening hours for Carrigaline Garda Station
Nikita Hand seeking injunction over CCTV footage
Naval Service goes to sea without working guns as maritime threats mount
Why am I fatter than people who eat ten times more than me in a day?
Weekly Wyvern Giveaway