Is college really this immature and dramatic?
how do I formally complain about a teacher?
Breaking the Bipolar Cycle Ebook
What's the most hurtful thing your ex ever said to you during the breakup?
For those that have attempted suicide, did you reattempt or ever felt suicidal again after ng attempt?
Why is ghosting normalized in our generation?
How bad is your social anxiety?
Why do we think of others the most when they're gone?
Reminding myself how misunderstood BP/mania is
What is your greatest "What if"?
Best nirvana song?
What is one trait that you are attracted to that isnt conventionally attractive?
What can you/do you do to not cry easily?
What is a dating red flag?
Curious lang jsjsjsjjss What are your boundaries that you set for yourself?
How to name orange cat?
How do you cope with separation anxiety as an adult?
How to get back in life?
What are your thoughts on people that don't have the will to drive?
Axl and Steven in 1986
One of my favourite Kurt quotes
is it normal to sleep for 17 hours after taking meds
If given the chance to leave everything and have a new identity, will you take it and why?
How to detach from a person?
What's your biggest pet peeve and how do you handle the triggers?