What I want to see in Book 6
What’s everyone’s favorite Stormlight reading music?
An Oversight Chanda Didn't Acknowledge
I remember reading in S3 that the author wanted to finish it but after reading S4 there could be a lot more content (new villains, International, etc) I really hope we get more seasons
What's your wishlist for Wind and Truth?
What is the saddest/most heartbreaking rap song you’ve heard?
What are your soundtracks for the books?
Favorite quotes?
How did you first hear of Sanderson? Or what got you into it?
Do you guys think the webtoon has fallen off?
Theory: Rosharan Ghostbloods End Goal
Standing on art business
What is Brandon's philosophy on growth and transformation?
I was not prepared for the Rift
I have fun post for everyone. Day 1: Which windbreaker character comes to your mind when you see the color: Purple
My Theory for Book 5 Ending
Tryna get into windbreaker
How much of the webtoon is bs ?
im new and was wondering what place has the best translation? webtoon or somewhere else?
Help about getting a puppy
Weekly Career Discussion Thread (01 Apr 2024)
What did the author intend to do with Hwarang Lee?
WB Ending thoughts
Selling Ticket
Windbreaker Tattoo Ideas?