That’s enough coffee for 2025. I’ve peaked.
My entire day is based on how my latte art comes out
Lets talk beans
guys i need help for this jar
+100 roommate points
Attempted W-W-3
Instant Coffee…
Oops, what did I do wrong? Too much bubbles
Starting to get the hang of this now
Troubleshooting help
Help! My Milk Steaming Sucks
Can someone critique this!
Insanely proud of her
we are so back
Adding syrups to milk instead of espresso?
What am I doing wrong?
How do I make the foam spread wider?
Slightly chaotic. Hmm.
Why isn’t it flowing and rippling right 😔⁉️
Failed wiggle hearts
Single dose basket always channels
Sour shots always [Breville Barista Express]
Any tips for my technique?
Help with latte art
Can't get milk consistency right (using milk frother)