I’m clumsy in real life and in game
Can someone explain why the dog clipped through the bottom of the ship 😭
“Be careful there are holes here”
Words that remind you of FA?
How many autistic adults also own plushies? Pic related of my collection
How many of you have trauma?
A lil compy comp
Work in Progress Andromeda backpack
Warning: Jumpscare at the end
Explain your fav SCP to me like I'm 5
Bruh moment in Don’t Starve Together
Is there a movie you've watched an absurd amount of times?
“Isn’t this a one person at a time bridge?”
Whats a saying that you’ve been told that has stuck with you for the rest of your life?
How high is your heart beat supposed to go when you do low impact exercise?
4 funny lethal company moments in under 1 minute
What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?
Potential subluxation???
H-EDS and getting a job
Alternatives to sweets?
Is me being ace the reason I can’t fathom why people cheat?
For some reason this image is included in a WikiHow article called "How to Be a Nerd":
YOU Decide Your Label
Even plants have to be sexualized 😑