The movie "Nosferatu" (2024) has an age rating of 15. This is because it's nots for a two year old
Guys me and my friends want to enter in a FIDE tournament, do you think they'll allow us in?
If Silksong comes out in 2024, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Reason why FL studio is considered the "Worst DAW" for professional industry standards.
Found these in a safe...
What do i do in this position? (I'm losing this game)
Big companies are constantly trying to squeeze every penny out of us.
Can people see my code?
Just learnt that I can do this with my hand
Can I just glue this or do I need a replacement
I think Youtube wants me to listen to SOAD
I wish this was the canon design for the Patience human
Just put down this cat with my 1000 ton hammer (tw: violence)
How does the cursola egg event work?
My cat's weird sleep position
Small 2-hour practice piece
this is canon [OC]
[Upcoming Event] Shiny Rayquaza Tera Raids have been announced for December 20th through January 6th. Stay tuned for more details!
Some part 3 stands as pokemon [Im sorry for shit editing]
Trainer info? (ORAS)
I'm going to try again later.
Weekly /r/3DS Questions Thread - Need help using your 3DS or picking your next game? Ask here!
2ds randomly freezes on a black screen
Simple, Cozy room I've made for a game