Looking to replace Neil Gaiman as my comfort author
Apple Sports live activity is one of my favorite parts of ios18. The live scoring and play by play in Dynamic Island and updating on Lock Screen with AOD is really cool.
Most underrated feature of iPhone
Are there any good, relatively recent, Fantasy TV shows?
Who is the most annoying fan base in college football?
Are OLEDs worth it for Sports Streaming?
Daily Discussion - 11 Jan 2025
Peloton noob here: can you give me context for these stats?
Is The Wheel Of Time worth reading?
Barcelona Restaurants
Peloton noob: first three days rides complete, how are these stats? Advice?
What book series can you recommend that is like Tolkien or Forgotten Realms series but is neither of those?
Searching for a good but reasonable priced restaurants in Barcelona
Netflix sucks or 4k isn't that amazing?
Do men actually not believe in being friends with women??
Hey Now - Good? Bad? or Ugly?
Buying new iPhone straight from Apple
Wind and Truth - a spoiler filled review - SA is no longer for me, and that's fine.
Struggling with Dark Age
I recommend two book series that are not as popular as they should be
Has reading a book ever retroactively soured your opinion on another book?
What's the best index funds for me to invest in?
Wind and Truth: a great book that shows Sanderson both at his best and his worst
A lesson or rumored legend? Will the Golds try to forget Darrow?
My books read in 2024 - Dark Age is next on the list