Do you prefer the rareware dkc games or the retro studios dkc games?
I can't wait to get violated for my opinions on video games
Exclusive cover for Japanese version of original P5
Something that I'm sure we can all agree on
What is even bro yapping about
I absolutely can’t wait for the History of Nintendo Switch 2 Rumors and Leaks
You have 20 dollars to choose your sonic games
Bad news, guys. Yuzu found out about us
what the hell is this game man
Something for all seven of us here who have played Devil Survivor
I didn’t know that Persona 5 was a Sonic Adventure too!
Press the button.
Yukari's Canon-Relationship Status the moment the Toaster arrives
Why didn’t SEES call Sonic? Are they stupid?
Thoughts on SMT: If…. ?
Not a serious bone in his body. They’re all funny bones.
Is it really worth it?
With enough power, you can fire up an up and coming star
What area is this in any Megaten game?
Liz is now real and she is enormous. Would you let her swallow you whole?
Hard to chose tbh
Damn, Aigis's hidden episode link is so good (@PersonaFusions)