Drivers, what makes the pickup experience from a restaurant any good?
Eff you, scientists! 😂
question :O
Should I do a flush?
Pensacola people are really supportive and very helpful.
Now you know
Have you ever had a psychedelic experience on Weed?
So sick of seeing this...
Is this normal?
How do you guys take pictures?
Do you think this ass wipe tipped.
Does your eyes become less red with better tolerance?
Snow or no snow? Does anyone know?
Why do YOU no longer play SM2?
This dad got released from prison and went straight to his daughter's recital, her reaction was priceless🫶
Question for Uber Drivers
Just wanted to check if this is actually a thing
I really hate UberEATS 😅
If a wasp flew up to you and asked if you liked wasps, knowing there could be negative consequences to saying no, how would you respond?
Another Tfex! But not for me
Was it worth it?
Do you just want to watch the world burn?
First world problem