What’s avoiding you to love yourself today?
I realise that I don’t value myself at all. Anyone relate?
Called 'gap-toothed' in an argument – how do you handle it?
I would like to ask, Is there any issue with "Girls' Night out" or "Boys' Night out" for some non-binary people?
Gender neutral terms for a romantic relationship other than the word “partner”?
I think I am allergic to full-time work
I’m at a loss… 25NB need birth control but scared to take hormones
For when you're " horny "
i like him sooo much!
Bad night with a partner, feeling useless and traumatised
Is there a method to create my own patterns without Blender?
Should I quit my job if I’m tired?
Need something low stress
DAE find that becoming philosophical / reflecting of society is an early warning sign of an episode
I’m hopelessly addicted to nicotine and I feel like it’s killing me slowly
I’m 52F and my personality could use a makeover.
Final WIP of my personal suit!!
Are there well paying jobs for people with depression?
which plushie should i get?
Need a career that isn't staring at a screen all day!
How do I balance two career paths that I want to do?
I want to do so much in life….
Aitah for breaking a girl's rib.
Mental health affects handwriting
Frustrated with Poor Quality Plushies