My Dwarf Hair Grass started melting once I put Co2 in my tank.
26 days after plantation
How do i remove these black stuff
New 60P
6 months up, 2 with CO2. 30 gallon finally starting to get the growth I want!
Just got my first Co2 setup!
Iwagumi update
My first CO2 injected aquascape
Planted aquarium low tech 5 month update
First tank! Cherry shrimp and Endler Guppies in a planted tank in the (semi) iwagumi style.
My second 36l aquarium I built, firsr with CO2. One month old.
Over grown plants looks nice
Does anyone know what might be wrong with my Co2 regulator?
New tank and learning
Plants not pearling
I’ve never planted such a large tank (planted a 10g a decade ago and got it looking nice)… idk, it’s okay but I feel like it could be better
Anyone else just in it for the plants?
30 cm cube: 2 month (21 plant species, list in a comment)
Just over a year journey
Alright my wet world builders. Rooted or uprooted?
My snail is supremely unimpressed.
What value does Penguinz0 add with his videos, seriously
Anyone know what kind of poop this is?
3 Week Update
My first aquarium, cycled and hoping to put shrimp after Christmas