What is a good budget amp head for tool
Just dropped
Cool lityle friend i found while tripping
Triping at night or day
Will the LA fires affect the release date for new tool album,
Tool is like the Taylor swift for people who do acid
What do i need to record analog guitars
What is the “corruption key”
Where to buy erha in australia
Should i buy an erhu
How do i get a phat reggae tone
What song do you put on to get away from this..
Song suggestions for fist trip
I bought an 8-string guitar. I think it feels completely different from a regular 6-string guitar, so I would like to know songs that use 7 or 8 strings in the music to practice getting the feel of playing a multi-string guitar.
Should I Risk It
Need new good artists to listen too.
What are your rules on LSD?
You ever listen to a song that makes your third eye tingle?
What songs would fit this picture?
do yall think this would Look good on acid or is it gonna be boring
What makes a good guitar solo.
How do I learn how to write music as an absolute beginner?
What would be a good raga to learn for guitar improvisation
Does anyone know the synth used in hungry like the wolf by duran duran?
We’re literally just walking poop making machines