Drahacirian Syllabary
How to make a proto-phonology from my modern conlang?
Straight women don't use Reddit
I just started this conlang today, what are your guys’ opinions?
Is it ok to like men?
I'm entering the no anxiety arousal stage advices?
Judge me on the type of women i’m into
Any advices for for an almost sure MtF that wants to start transition (and want to be sure she won't detrasition)
Are lesfties smarter or more creative
What i feel like
Is it hocd or not !
I can't It seems like I agree with my thoughts
OCD Brain Surgery
Can you be addicted to anxiety?
I'm left handed but used right handed keyboad-mouse settings. what do you do?
hocd is literaly the same symptoms as being gay
Do you write Japanese left-handed or right-handed ?
What do you guys think?
Fake language script
This is the Slavish alphabet…. (I did my very best trying to make it look good)
Stop It please
Can metaatraction camuflage as normal attraction
How can I make a custom keyboard for my script
If you know you know
I came back