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Building my new house
Is this okay?
What drove in my lawn?
Weird "fringing" on the edges of acrylic cuts. 100w CO2. We've cut lots of this material before and haven't seen this... any ideas as to what might be wrong? Lens is clean as well
I am null
Tineco S5 vs Go H2O Sense
Where can I put a closet?
Transitioning to standalone
Nest Data Archive viewer? - specifically temperatures at specific times
This primitive might actually be a viable alternative (not replacement) to RxJS
Angular Blog: Latest updates to effect() in Angular
Bleed brakes with broken rear valves
First craft show, pricing help
Shorthand Control Flow
Why two intersecting vectors lie in the same plane
Divide a unit circle into 4 equal areas using parallel lines?
Help me find this water bottle
Help with my in law's gap
The Cop Files (An AI-assisted “True Crime” series)
What Start-ups Are You Guys Working On?
Laser is pulsing?