What are the causes for your sorrow?
It's almost midnight and my anxiety is flaring up. Advice needed.
Why do you want to live?
What is something your dad always said to you growing up?
What do you suggest doing when we have fever?
Please recommend an app for taala.
What makes you sad?
What do you feel about The Human Magnet Syndrome by Ross Rosenberg?
How do we not sleep too much or too little?
What does it mean to be singing songs related to god(religion)? Does it mean we are promoting religion and all though we have different beliefs?
Aitah for thinking death would be a better option for me rather to just suffer in silence
Just How to be a vocal music performer and travel around the world at the same time (ignore just )?
If anyone has applied as a music teacher in Kendriya vidyalaya and Navodaya vidyalaya websites, can you guide me through the whole process and what syllabus to be prepared..
How do you not regret the time that's gone by without being productive (was struggling with depression and anxiety a lot back then) ?
Just how to stress less about the tasks to complete and the uncertainty of life (ignore just) ?
Just how to stress less about the tasks I have to complete and the uncertainty of life?
I'm wondering how to stress less about the tasks I have to complete and the uncertainty of life?
Are you in music industry? If so, how are you approaching it?
Who is your favorite music artist, alive or dead?
Need someone to listen to my crazy life. I sometimes wish I wasn't here.
How do adults completely heal from childhood traumas?
How did you get rich (process, pros and cons etc) ?
Where to find emotional support for free?