Speculation Post: What’s really going on?
Best audiobooks ever?
The games this season were boring
Riding the Roller Coaster of My Housewife Opinions
What are you reading?
What's your favorite books series?
This is gonna be fun
Help weening off benzos for anxiety
tamra is a monster… heather is becoming a close second
Mary Cosby’s son, Robert Jr. is in rehab
Tamra oh Tamra
Is arthritis a possible symptom of klonopin withdrawal? Or joint/tendon pain?
Best episode demonstrating Orna's approach
Disappointing First Episode
Can someone please explain to me the love for Angie K.?
I Need a Reunion
What’s the best audiobook you’ve heard?
Book Recommendation for Historical Romance?
Alexis trying way too hard
Sugest me what to read next based on what you loved recently
Drop your grandparent’s names!
Can you hear the words?
Heather Love/Hate
First-time watcher and confused about the hype around LVP
Least favorite housewife