This town is full of monsters. How can you sit there and eat pizza?
Some worries about a Silent Hill 3 remake
This track is so unironically fantastic
James in cafeteria painting
and chief keef was only 16 when he wrote love sosa
Something I’ve noticed
To The People Who Say Caseoh Is Fat
I’d like to formally apologize.
Fuck these guys to hell
You have no choice but to tell me😤
What are some things you think the original Silent Hill 2 did better than the remake?
Why does it take so long to teach my friends
Silent Hill 2 HD isn’t bad
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Which Donda cover is better? OG or deluxe?
What’s your favorite Cory videos? In response to Sorry_Bird3898’s post
am i tripping
Unpopular opinion: New Komi art style is cuter and more appealing than old one.
Ari did not like Leth's tweet.
"Why are you so weird?" The person I grew up watching
PHASE 2: We doing good with the unfollowing and #IAMLIAR, BUT if he doesnt drop we have to spread this picture everywhere and take it as our profile pictures. Prepare for Phase 3
Chuck getting freaky on twitter… again…
Thanks Chuck.