What are you just straight up awful at?
What’s the worst thing ur parents could find in ur room?
What's one thing around you right now that could kill you?
If you could change your name to anything you want without it being considered weird, what would you change you name to?
If you had a epithet like “The Mad” or “The Wise” What would yours be?
What do you know isn't real, but want badly for it to exist?
What’s a random word you don’t like?
Men 😩♡
Just took a mental age test
What instantly turns you off?
[16TF] (finally, got a half decent pic of myself, ugh.) down for anything, PM me cause im bored~! (16-18 only tho pls) :3
do you find feminine boys attractive? if so, why?
Saw this meme format and had too, forgive me
You have 5 seconds to ruin a date. What do you do?
Yooo the dress I was gonna wear to the 8th grade formal still fits me perfectly-
Hello plz appreciate my 2021 Halloween costume
If every person in the world had your personality, what would the world be like?
Liberal teens what is your most conservative view??
What colour should I paint my nails?
Has anyone noticed how among us has become a dating app for losers and pedos?
You accidentally cut your leg open and instead of bone and blood you see wires and metal, what do you do?
A stranger walks up to you and randomly hugs you, what's your response?
What's a weird irrational fear that you have?
What is something you hope to see/experience before you die?
Rate my current physiqueeeeee (info in comments)