Bukayo na Puti
Some fresh ice drops LSD vials..100 hits each
tbh i don’t hear how this bites 2hollis like some people are saying, it’s a cool album
in a small town where do you think i could get a plug for like acid and shi
MAGA extremists in their own words
Hope you guys like it!
Who was your first crush in anime?
What song feels like this to you?
Can i do shi with this
Lowkey high as shit but rate my joints🤧
found this grafitti on my trip today. there is an abandoned cemetery nearby.
Been jerking off to my wife’s diary
Is this a good altar?
No comment
Anyone ever realize bladee has the same WHITE PANTS on in the “scarecrows” and “blue” music videos😂
If you had to describe yourself with one Bladee lyric, which would you choose??
Why do he keeps deleting his post 👁️👅👁️
DJ Arousal
Palestine protest down Jasper ave today
What is wrong with South Korea
What's your opinion?
Best platform to listen to breakcore ?
Photos of Mirogabalin / Tarlige blister
Mid week geek sesh for y’all
Thing I am working on, any FB appreciated ^_^