What breed could my precious be? (rescued)
Husky in the snow😂😂
Millie thinks that standing on the coffee table increases her chance of getting treats.
What’s the breed?
Moose teaching a valuable lesson
My dog will not stop eating rabbit poop
Greatest purchase ever
What breed do you think my handsome man is?
age for my beagle??
What type of dog would be ok for an apartment?
Any idea what breed he could be?
Trap-door spider
Demodex mange alternative (less dangerous options)
any ideas on what breed this is?
My new rescues have grown. Any idea on what these two are?
Lost my girl right before Christmas due to cancer..a little tribute❤️
Goodbye Mr. T
8 month old beagle - from outside dog to inside dog. Will this work?
Caucasian shepherd or san Bernard ??
Hunter read all your comments .. lol
Random person came to my house and took a picture of my Amazon parcel label. No, it was not the courier.
Parvo induced anxiety
Does anyone else’s beagle sound like they’re being tortured when baying?
My new rescue. Shep and ?