Is 6-8 min of nursing too little?
18mo just popped off the boob and said “happy”
I thought breastfeeding will be this beautiful bonding experience for me and the baby...
LC told me to cap her feeding time, but it feels wrong? - seeking advice
Getting enough sleep while breastfeeding
Doctor recommended to stop breastfeeding. Need advice!
How long does your skincare routine take and what does it entail?
Anyone here have Non verbal autistic children (telepathy tapes)
The refusal of all foods has led to this incredible breakfast
Engorgement vs clogs- who wins?
Taking my prenatal vitamins is the worst part of my day.
Did my parents live a glamorized and romanticized version of parenthood?
What was your parenting delusion you had before having kids?
Parents who did not “sleep train”
6 day old hasn't pooped in 36 hours
What are some signs you were about to go into labor (in the weeks leading up?) I’m 34w with LGA babe
People feel sorry for me that my first baby is a girl???
Should I ask my 6 year old to not talk about mastectomy?
wtf is she grinding?? my gears???
TMI pooping while carrying/holding baby
Jan/Feb 2025 - Discussion Thread
New memory on my body, my 6 y.o. brother’s portrait of me
Here we go — large brown discharge streaks on toilet paper and cramping.
When did you start travelling with your baby in public?
How much of my teenagers paycheck should I take/put away?