How are you guys beating him?
Day 13 Of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
Day 12 Of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
Day 11 Of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
Name suggestions for this Fire/Fairy mythical Pokémon?
My wishlist, opinions?
Day 10 Of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
What do you think of the new designs and animation?
Literally can’t play anything else
Oh no.. what did they do to roses design?!
From what we’ve seen so far it seems Capcom is moving away from the “slap-on” weapon designs with Wilds, right?!?!
Day 9 Of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
Does anyone else have a fav monster that not many seem to care for?
Day 8 Of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
Snom Snom Snom
If there was a new variant of deviljho, what would you like it to be?
Day 7 Of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
Day 6 of Asking What Title You Would Give A Monster
Day 5 Of Asking What Title You'd Give A Monster
Day One of Asking What Title You Would Give a Monster.
This Chameleos statue also looks pretty good.
Whats y'alls opinions on Railgun Wyvern (Rey dau)
Day 4 of Asking What Title You Would Give a Monster