Since Treyarch are including guest singers for BO6, who would you like to see in a future song?
Holy shit, this is HUGE
Either Death Perception or Tombstone Soda coming to Zombies in S2
FINALLY! Nebula is now started
Did the Easteregg and got 2 round 100 under 2 Hours. ( of Course Flawless )
Currently at level 260
Bo6 is some how more boring then mwz
Zombies “mini maps”
Hi guys is this normal?
Finally got Nebula on my first couple of weapons
Just so you know, underbarrel grenade launchers and Point of Power traps are absolutely broken
Electric sword is somewhat better now, also 2 kills per slash...
Directed LF un-nerfed?
Kino Round 100 Time (BO1)
how did i drink quick revive twice?
Ok…that was not there before
X2xp weekend..
What Game Should I Get?
I can only play single
is there any possibility of running black ops 3 on my laptop
Igniting fireplaces with Molotovs
Does anyone else think the swords are complete and utter dogshit?
S.A.M Trial voice change on citadelle des mortes.
BO3 Best zombie versus map
It finally happened! Loaded up in a squad fill lobby and it wasn’t 3 Weavers and a random operator. Only wish it happened on Terminus instead for the lines between characters.