Lower left impacted wisdom tooth removal - Does this look normal?
Lower left impacted wisdom tooth extraction - 7 days post op. Does this look normal?
7 days post extraction - Does this look normal?
what’s a movie you hate but everyone seems to love?
What is the most useless thing you still have memorized?
What are some GOOD Taylor pickup lines?
TTPD: Name a song you don't get the hype for, and a song you think is overlooked.
Megathread: Former US President Donald Trump Convicted in New York Criminal Fraud Case on 34 Out of 34 Charges
Golden yellow stripy summer vibes ✌🏼 BIAB!
Is this normal looking after 5 days? I’ve been taking acyclovir.
Diagnosed with Shingles today (29/f) ☹️ Swollen lymph nodes question.
Does anyone have any idea if this could be shingles?
HTGAWM Elimination Game TOP 5. Laurel Castillo Is ELIMINATED with 49%. Who's NEXT?
I can't poop! I'm flipping out!
HTGAWM Elimination Game TOP 6. Michaela Pratt is ElIMINATED with 43%. Who's NEXT?
Pastel lilac nails 💜 Easter Vibes 🐣
Purple BIAB 💜
Look what I got in an 80+ player pick 🤯
What's a video game franchise with NO bad games?
Tested positive today 😞
Has Colleen also planned her comeback now because today is her birthday? 🎂
New IG Story - What does it mean?
What game announcement would you like to see in The Game Awards?
What is your personal GOTY?
What was the first game on your PS5 that truly felt next-gen to you?