What sleep position is your go to?
Do anyone notice your bag in college?
Should I retire my earrings?
NYC salon help please
Doctor refusing to diagnose
Posting some of my oldish cyborg themed Ajax sketches I drew earlier this year.
Doesn't everyone hear words? I also have synesthesia where I see "subtitles".
banned user for repeated interference with other descendents gameplay
What a line that lives in your head rent free
A question for autistic people
Being black in Taiwan
How do yall afford to get your hair done often?
What will you say?
POV: You wake up from a nap and see the Lich attacking your city and attempting to break into your home. What's your next move?
i blocked and unmatched so quick lol
Why do so many autistic people hate dogs? I dog gives me great joy.
Ankle popping sound
Dating life in Bangkok
AIO friend moved in and not going well
Is this gonna be a confirmed no social life kinda semester, or will I survive?
Here’s what I ended up wearing instead - thanks for the advice ladiessss ❤️
Where are you from and what culture do you identify with?
False positive or just paranoia?
Do y'all ever squeeze/play with your breasts as a non-sexual stim?
Showering Every Day?