Y'know Apes, I *thought* I'd seen everything possible in this saga.......
GameStop transformation incoming
RC, time for bigger and better partnership.
Time and Pressure. We keep buying, Ken Griffin from Citadel keeps taking on loans to hold his shorts.
Obsidian Flames Promo Charmander card crimped
I just randomly heard Stand Atlantic playing at this bar haha what are the odds.🤘🔥
I got this when I was 14 and no one ever knows what it is 🤣
Is my moonbreon fake
Who should my 1 keeper be?
Valuation of old Gengar card
2020 is coming
Who’s willing to take on this mess? *FREE*
Last Donruss Blaster at my GameStop
Found Cat - Andersonville
Late lineup adjustment post game
Pulled the Moonbreon and Espeon
I did it. Unearthed my childhood collection. Any valuables?
boyfriend pulled this from a pack and we are both wondering how much it may be worth
WOW!! Look at this pour!!!
Giveaway! Merry Christmas everyone! Winner drawn tomorrow evening! Drop a number between 0-3999 for a chance to win!
Made Some Extra Money In The Jackpot At League So What Did I Do? Buy Another Ball‼️😂
Finally happened to me 😔😔
I want to play a game......