Hard to decide between the view and the book...
Let us all take a moment to appreciate Witcher 1 Zoltan
Is it just me or does Ermion look a lot like Vermin Supreme?
Vitor Roque's Wife Leaves Him After Realizing He Won't Become a Huge Star
I think this is the most hardest part of KCD. I could'nt read alphabets in this book.
Fler schießt gegen Fetty (Fourty) zurück.
Welche Partei wollt ihr zur Bundestagswahl wählen?
Welche Tracks und/oder Musikvideos sind besonders schlecht gealtert?
Wie lange könnt ihr die Luft anhalten?
Could you theoretically extend the time you can hold your breath by swallowing a lot of air beforehand and then burping it up and breathing it in once you've used up all the air in your lungs?
Gibt es für euch Dinge/Aktivitäten, die nur für euch und euren Partner - in einer Beziehung - bestimmt sind?
Mr. X is a decent villain with a satisfactory defeat, now which well written villain has a unsatisfactory defeat
Luke is the only mentally stable one. Who is the most forgettable one?
(Spanish) Kcd II has 2.2 million words in the script while Baldur's gate 3 has 2 million
If you had to make a remix with 5+ artists. Who would you put on?
"80 bei Nässe, Halt deine Fr****." Der lustigste Song, der jemals das Licht der Deutschrap-Welt erblickt hat. 😂 (Favos - Fiat Panda Drive By)
Was war der schlimmste Unfall in der Öffentlichkeit, den ihr beobachtet habt?
Magnus Meatball after I replaced his chalk with a special performance enhancing chalk for a year (it was powdered methamphetamine)
Nyla Harper
Godfall Developer's Sudden Closure Raises Eyebrows
Both are God tier…Which one are you picking? I’m a mountain valley guy..
What's your weapon choice?
Nice proof
IT guys