People who disconnects 5s before the throne destroyed, what do you do with the time you saved?
Can't wait for the next PoE1 league!
How it feels to run the the worst strats in PoE1 after experiencing PoE2 Endgame
Anyone else taking a break after the nerf bananza?
How to craft a tri-res belt in POE 2!
Attack without moving PoE2
Movement is garbage
Cmon ggg, just give us legacy league 2.0 to summarize the best aRPG ever made
Hit level 99 without knowing there's 6th slot in map device
Being Immortal Sucks
I correctly predicted the entire top and lower bracket of the main stage TI13 games. AMA
The moment of the missile attack was caught on the stream
What is the point of the Recombinator in it's current state?
Introducing T17 maps was a mistake
New Currency Exchange patch is POG.
Essence of Satiation T9
Kripp calls it quits
Remember Vortex didn't get an instant version in 3.23? Now you know why
Tell me how long you've played this game without mentioning the numbers
Nothing prepared me for how stupid Tormented Spirits AI is with Speaker of the Dead
My blast from the past goal was to make a cool bow with recombinators!
Here is why "Blast from the Past" Should last til the End of the League ...
GGG Please make Blast From the Past at least 2 weeks
Played Poe until my wrist gave out. Maybe GGG can take people more seriously about reducing the clicks/hr required of players?
Try and hotfix me again GGG - No Kill Trials still viable