Cling film poached eggs 👌🏻
Sandwiches in the UK are not meant to be bought.
60kg/132lbs curls
What leg/quad exercise gave you the best quad growth?
115kg x 5 depth enough??
A guy adjusted my chest press machine mid set and told me not to feel the stretch….
Brand new rice cooker broke
Is £79 a good CE upgrade?
How do I achieve this physique?
22to28 only 30lbs difference. 1555 total @275ish
Squat (155kg / 342lbs)
How long could a NARROWBODY be?
735lbs… beltless 🤝🏻
Do the SS trust anyone ?
Grindy 220lb 1RM - anything obvious I can work on here? Feel like I struggle to maintain bar speed once it clears my head...
Can disabled people work full time remote ?
Leg Extensions before or after Hack Squat to maximize quad hypertrophy?
IBS is making me to unalive myself
Is Georgia in Europe or Asia?
Why hasn’t Zelenskyy been assassinated?
What’s the most I could realistically increase my bench press in a year?
Why do we have MPs??
Why aren’t helicopter airports a thing?
Banking salary?
Prevalence of women in leadership