If you lose the "battle" is that considered a win!?
Fuck it, LEGO ReactBot 🙌🏻
My wife calls me her sex machine all the time.
What's the best background noise show?
Keeping Him Hard Is The Highest Priority
Floating Village in a Swamp Biome
I'm female, and there's a slightly better than 50% chance you're not
What sub are you banned from and why?
Proof that the Earth is not flat
People who don’t read books lead stunted lives
I couldn’t put my feet on the table but…
Realistically, how do you think you'll die?
Ah, my mistake
Very odd... I knew he was playing a character... but still weird.
How do I call him?
First run on Minish Cap!
Name a nicer youtuber then him
Where can I find someone like her?
Losing my fingernails to psoriasis
What could possibly go wrong?
Whats the craziest dare you did or seen someone do in a game of Truth or Dare?
What videogame do you think should have it's own series of books? I'll go first:
Testing for a first time
So many deleted comments