any fix to it 40 pin off and hit the gate
I guess people like this deserve a perma hardware ban
Anyone else on an uncharacteristic losing streak? Is it just the rank reset crowding the lower elo?
The single powered window kills me.
When I was in college, I earned $7.75/hr at my job. Jack’s pizzas were $1. With one hour of work, I could afford 7.75 pizzas
Wait, am I goated….
How do you store a ILF recurve bow ?
Is the wiper fluid supposed to be spraying out this hard?
UK based archers needed for 'House of the Dragon' season 3
Anyone else do WAY better in higher ranks? (Reverse-Smurfing?)
Is anyone else getting destroyed after rank reset
More ram or better CPU?
Tactical bow injury 75 lbs whip to the arm
The knot on this pillowcase is drawn wrong - if you would pull on the rope, it would not tie a knot. the top rope end should have gone through the loop.
If you had to take a shot for every unread email you currently have, how drunk would you be?
Gen 3 or Gen 4 ?
I entry first most of the time even if I don't play duelist.
What do you guys think about this monitor
LF Ranked climb out of low ELO
Form check
Underage Madlad
my new pc review (ignore my dawg)
What battery should I use?
Family Friend wants to trade his pc. Is this a good deal for £100?
My Christmas Roast cooked from the inside where the metal thermometer probe was inserted