Are the big 3 weights really all that applicable
AITAH for telling my ex boyfriend's daughter, "It's not my problem." ?
You lot need to hear it, but it's not the devs fault there isn't "enough" content when you all pour 500+ hours into a game that's been out for 4 months
Is there any type of wrestling or jiu jitsu that has judo and bjj combined?
Bachata as a way to find a date or relationship
What other characters would you like for your army?
How do I convince people that wrestling (and wrestlers) isn’t gay
Explain Like I’m Five: Hand-Fighting.
Is the Black Templars Combat Patrol Worth Getting?
Why don’t people who want to kill others just join the military, and kill people?
My wife hits me when she's angry.
How athletic was karelin in his prime
What's your opinion on the "objectifying" argument ?
First ever direct image of another multi-planet solar system with a young, sun-like star 300 light-years away.
Finally finished this Gladiator Lancer after a year of putting it off.
I saw this rodent while walking home & it seemed unbothered by me. Is this a domestic mouse?
Being sore
Sparta has got to be the most overrated ancient state.
A little showcase of my “everything” bag I keep packed for spontaneous overnighters
What would be scarier? A space ship lands on earth and traditional looking aliens come out, or exact copies of human beings?
It was too good to be true.
Adult wrestling clubs locator
While men are dying on the frontlines, women are busy making money on Onlyfans
BJJ Practitioner Brags About Heel Hooking a Newbie Wrestler, Faces Public Backlash