Any bushcraft/camping YouTuber recommendations?
If you used to be religious/faithful, what caused you to leave your faith?
Every time I think about this girl I talked to for 2 days 2 months ago I feel sad and I don’t know why.
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Believe In Religion
Am I in the wrong for not going to my brother’s ordination?
AITAH for being mislead by a girl despite her telling me her intentions?
Would it be selfish to cancel plans with a girl because she doesn’t want anything romantic?
Where were you 25 years ago on New Year's Eve 1999?
I am a converted Christian. I woke up from the trance, and now I'm confused.
Who wins in a fight?
What made you realize your relationship or friendship was completely one sided?
I just saw one of the worst arguments for young Earth Creation in an Instagram reel.
My ranking of the 5 major religions from least bad to worst. What are yours?
I feel nothing but sexual attraction towards this girl and I don’t know how to break it to her
What’s a theater, battle, campaign or operation in ww2 that isn’t talked about enough?
So... he has two months.. or this is a lie
What’s your Christmas tradition that has nothing to do with Christmas?
I used to masturbate to pictures of my sister
I did terrible, disgusting things as a teenager and I want to atone
This problem of mine is getting worse
Why are church officials so obsessed with teenagers sex lives
I’m stuck in a cycle that I can’t break free of
My mom forced me to be present when the missionaries came over. Should I confront her?
Are women less picky about looks than men?
What’s your response when someone says “if you’re over the church than stop talking about it”