If every average man dropped out of the dating market it would not affect women one bit. Their dating problems are entirely based on the behaviour of top tier men
Just Need Reassurance That Life Can Get Better
For Men, Single Life Is the Solution—Not Something to Fear
Women Breadwinners and How to Get Energy
Keeping Depression Hidden to Keep (Admittedly Lousy) BF from Leaving
Can dudes who sexualise you ever be good partners?
Do Men Know That Women Are Rejected All the Time?
Most marital problems happen because men love their wives.
Younger generations feel entitled to what their parents took for granted when it comes to relationships, much like buying a house, and they need to lower expectations
The reason men get so angry has zero to do with entitlement and everything to do with women flaking or rejecting them for the dumbest reasons
Update: My (37F) BF (40M) Told Me to Leave Expensive Gifts and Dog, Leave at Christmas
Advice for Teaching CC Students?
What % of men fail to meet reasonable hygiene or grooming standards?
Is marriage a net benefit for a woman?
Do you support "old school" feminism?
CC Professors: What Are Some Norms Your Students Don't Yet Know That They Need to Succeed?
Many women want to be liberated feminists and trad conservatives at the same time
I need to leave this planet now
Why do men crave romantic interest so much?
Is this a trap? Can they change?
My (37F) BF (40) Uninvited Me to Christmas But Wants Me to Leave Expensive Gifts
What's the point of 30+ women dating if their values already tanked in the dating market ?
If he loves you, he would. “If marriage makes you happy why would I not want to give you that?”
Is it true that women give sex to have love? That the end goal for women is emotional bonding, not any sort of physical fulfillment?
I'm a 32yo man-child, terrified to leave my parents' house. What would it take for me to change?