Parties, social gatherings
I think I’m Christian and no one knows.
Upset by friend’s comments about my eating
How do you meticulously count calories without going crazy?
Background Check Worries
Quit Smoking Weed- Heavily Depressed and Having Dark Thoughts
Day 6 Off Weed - How did you manage with the lack of sleep? - I am delirious
Dead butt syndrome
Fuck I can’t make it 24 hour and I’m so ashamed
What did you swap your habit with?
How do I cope with knowing I can probably never have any of my favorite foods or restaurants again?
Trying again..Day 1
Zoloft is not working for me.
Dating folks in Bellingham, I have a question for you: has a Bellingham -- Seattle realtionship ever made it past three months?
Shittiest time to quit
Day 1, a happy accident
What to do when you have total conscience of the addiction, but zero initiative to stop
Trying again, feeling structureless