Warmer cities with solid IT field?
How COLD Is It Where You Are?
Someone requesting me to put coke up his ass and fuck him ?
Does Your County Have A McDonald's?
Super windy tomorrow…
What are some truths about Gen z – from Gen z?
Posted about h one B in cs majors and immediately got suspended
How do you eat in a deficit with a meal plan
Healthcare - is that a problem for most Americans?
What if I'm alone forever?
Got a 4 this semester and my cumulative went up by 0.010
Why don't more people live in the Alaskan pan handle, considering the temperature climate? The Alaskan capital is barely colder than Seattle yet, barely 32k strong.
Is it weird to go to a place of business and ask if there are any jobs available?
What city in your opinion has the best transit system?
Need advice on conversation etiquette
is macarthur park a gay song?
I’m sick of the recent racism in this sub
My Physical travel map
Staring College at 24
Exclusive Economic Zone EEZ
Why are homosexual relationship between grown men and boys common in alot of society's?
Here are some solid proof that homosexuality is biological: it is in your brain!
professor accused me of using AI even though i didn’t
“not the right career choice for you”
What’s everyone doing to stay productive after finals?