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Unpopular opinion quit telling people to "wait for xxxx"
This Macadamia Nut has an almost perfectly flat side
[Poetry] Dying Star Wars fan gets early screening of "Rise of Skywalker"
It's a bird! no - it's a plane! It's ... a ball bearing at 30,000ft?
Witch space program
"basketball" court in Brno
Winter problems require modern solutions
Toaster nipples
Bone-hurting antimeme?
I hate when that happens
70m wind turbine blade blocks road after truck rollover
Who needs good friends...?
8 weeks only and looking sharp
What is this bullshit
A twinkie wiener sandwich! Be sure to dip in milk first before consumption.
Fritz - 1 Month vs 3 Months
It’s my cake day, here’s my baby molly
This is Jeff.
I just wanted a betta fish, how did this happen?
Am i having an alien invasion? Got some weed from local lake, 4 weeks later i see this. What do i do? Is it dangerous? No fish living in tank. Only 5 snails.
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