Protein help!
who else is here as a result of medical negligence?
B12 deficiency question
Did you experience muscle atrophy from B12 deficiency and were you able to reverse it ?
Possible deficiency
Weakness still present after months of treatment ?
What are your symptoms that were cured that you didn't even know were B12 related?
Are my symptoms due to B12 deficiency?
Losing hope
Any help with sleeping at night?
Neuro appointment
EMG: Thumbs Up or Down?
Diagnostics update
B12 deficiency?
What was everyone's symptoms for B12 deficiency?
I already know that I'm deficient, just curious: does/did anyone else here react to low B12 with urinary symptoms? And how can low B12 cause them?
Wanting to go vegan
seeking guidance: return of symptoms w/ b12 deficiency
Small fiber neuropathy?
Did any of you manage to reverse autonomic issues?
Reversible POTS?
I think I've been B12 deficient for a few years. I'm scared!
Can't get rid of hand pain