lvm: raid 5 vg not activating at boot - how to diagnose?
weird LVM problem post Fedora 39
weird issue with fedora 41 and LVM
moto G42 - missing App Lounge in lineageos 21
Starsector "Cheat Sheet"
Start saving – the Samsung Galaxy Ring now has a rumored on-sale date.
Met het overlijden van Akira Toriyama wil ik even wat belgische nostalgie rond dragonball optrommelen...
Microsoft says Russian hackers stole source code after spying on its executives
The Terrifying A.I. Scam That Uses Your Loved One’s Voice
In the wake of Akira Toriyama's death, here's the infamous Wall Street Journal article (1999) that called Dragon Ball Z a "violent Japanese cartoon show"
Max confirms 2024 password crackdown, explores adding transactional ads
Top Russian general says large-scale war in Europe 'cannot be ruled out'
Five human pathogens detected by tick surveillance in New York City parks
Nieuwe peiling: Vlaams Belang slorpt N-VA stilletjes leeg
Itsme is a joke
Demon Child irl?
Why do people still drink and drive?
Federale overheid lanceert plan tegen wegpiraten
Muziek op hedendaagse radiozenders
Moet België miljarden euro's extra in defensie investeren? Dit zeggen 6 Vlaamse partijvoorzitters
Report: EU to fine Apple about $500 million for anticompetitive App Store policy in music streaming market
Ugly id card
Reddit user content being sold to AI company in $60M/year deal
Twitter Files’ Matt Taibbi Says Elon Musk Sent Him Unhinged Messages
Navidrome not picking up smart playlist?