H: Junk (Ratio in description) W: Apparel or leaders
H: 1300 Leaders W: Apparel Offers
H: Leaders or Reflective and Tanky Mods W: BOS Jumpsuit
H: 50 Leader W: 5 x OE
H: Glowing Turkey, Bee + 400 leaders W: TLC
H : Glowing Turkey and Bee + 400 leaders W: TLC
H : Glowing Turkey, Bee + 400 leaders W: TLC
Need to know what mods to ask for this set, non 4 stars since I don’t need them
H: responders fireman set W: 1100 leaders
[XB1] offers for this
H: red asylum + glowing alien W: tfj
H: leaders W: Forceful Stock
Price Check: Jet Pack Ultracite Helmet
W:adhesive H: 4 stars
H: red asylum W: leaders or mod box offers
H: TLC W: 1200 Leader or glowing ofer
H: 1mill 2mm W: 400 leaders
H: Glowing Unicorn, Glowing Blue Devil, Glowing Honey Bee, Glowing Scorchbeast, Glowing Scorch Queen, Crazy Guy, Demon, Hag, Raven, 250 Leaders W: TFJ
(Xb1) H:Nuka Cola Quantam Paddle Ball + aa5025 419 W:Offers
What is the best 4star armor mod for bloodied commando
[XB1] Forest Scout Armor Mask Giveaway
H: thru hikers x5 W: 35 leaders per
H: All 6 new Gatling plasma plans W: Leaders or Apparel
H: gatling plasma mod plans W: leaders
Finally !! 😅 Only took me a bit over 100 raids to get