not to sounds dramatic but….
De-influence me please!
Pony collection
What is this?
Ikea today
What companies will you never work for in Pittsburgh?
where is hiring sos
No, I am not going to sign your petition “to get an independent third party onto the ballot.”
need help w finding a product!! what am i on ab 😭
If you had to change one thing about the city what would it be?
Incense shops?
Guess the bath bomb!
How did you discover Waterparks?
Knot wraps
FREE Sleepy lotion
Where do the queer people hang out?
What are these products?
Come and Relax or Vice Versa??
Which Body spray would you reccomend?
Who is this guy??
A just for fun silly question: what two Lush items/scents do you think would be the WORST combo for layering?