Looking for top offering bottom instant trade (Lf female salandit)
What is your oldest egg?
Catch Rate for DMax Articuno/Zapdos
What was it like to watch Bosh on the Raptors?
Morpeko is the worst Pokémon ever.
Is this a brag?
Help! So back when I started playing again like 4 or 5 months ago (I hadn't played since 2016), I accidentally transferred Mesprit, because I didn't star it. I know it's bad but is it that bad? Will I have another chance to catch it?
Name one thing yungoos is good for outside of filling the dex
Caught this off the incense seen one the other day seems like they’re somewhat rare
You should only dodge ONCE in a dynamax battle
New Zealand, have you got Zapdos yet?
Describe Luffy (One Billion Aura) using one word.
Curry was really going through it
100 Galar Legendarilys later
If Magellan Was A Pirate What Would His Bounty Be?
Cannot elite TM Iron Head onto Corviknight post-event
For you, do you think there is a bigger gap between the first and second best player in this picture or the second and third?
Did anyone else get the shiny on the first try?
How to actually get better at PVP?
Fastest way to farm stardust?
Always thought Dialga and Palkia standard forms looked better than their origin forms. Anyone agree?
Looking for top offering bottom (CANT Fly)
Would you purify any of these?
My very first Rookidee is a Hundo
Giveaway Time! Please read the Description. LF - Offering